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Recertification Credits

The credits below will be available for in-person attendees only to recertify, virtual attendees will not be able to receive recertification.  All forms must be filled out each day of the conference, a brief presentation the first day will provide information about this process.

Reminder: You must be present the entire day to receive credits for that day, no half day credits are available.  Virginia Pesticide Applicators must attend for both days to receive the recertification credit.

We will post all recertification credits available on this page as we receive confirmation from the sponsoring agencies.  Please contact with any questions.

Organizational Credits:

International Society of Arboriculture: 

Day 1:  5 Credits: Certified Arborist, Municipal Specialist, TW Aerial Lift Specialist, TW Climber Specialist; 2.5 Credits: BCMA Science, BCMA Management; 1 Credit: Utility Specialist


Day 2: 3.75 Credits: Certified Arborist, Municipal Specialist, TW Aerial Lift Specialist, TW Climber Specialist; 2 Credits: BCMA Science; 1.75 Credits: BCMA Management; Utility Specialist

Society of American Foresters:

Day 1: 6 credits

Day 2: 3.5 credits

Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional: 


Virginia Certified Horticulturist: 


State Pesticide Applicator Credits:

Virginia: Day 1 & 2: 2 (Forest Pest Control), 3-A (Ornamental Pest Control), 5-A (Aquatic Pest Control), 6 (Right-of-Way Pest Control), 8 (Public Health Pest Control), 9 (Regulatory Pest Control), 10 (Demonstration and Research), 60 (Registered Tech)

West Virginia:

Day 1: 3-9, 4A-9, 7-9, 11-9


Day 2: 2-6, 3-6, 7-6, 11-6


Pennsylvania: Pending

Maryland: 8 Credits: 2*,  5*, 6*, 10*, 13*, CORE

D.C.: Pending


North Carolina: Pending


Tennessee: Pending

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